Happy Easter SALE! 5% Discount on selected items 復活節精選優惠
為與你一起慶祝復活節的到臨,Blooms特別推出精選產品優惠,即日起至2018年3月27日,購買以下產品即可獲95折優惠! To celebrate the Easter holidays, Blooms presents Happy Easter Sale! From now until 27th March 2018, you can enjoy 5% discount on the following selected products! Sweet Cocoa (罐裝 Tin Collection)Panama Don KEthiopia Yirgacheffe G1CarryOn (Fruity & Nutty Pack) 請於結帳時輸入優惠碼Please enter the Discount code when you check out: HappyEaster... Read more.

Pop-up Store超級優惠 Pop-up Store Bulk Purchase Discount
想選購情人節禮物,或者為農曆新年辦年貨,來Blooms Pop-up Store先試飲後選購,定能挑選最合適的禮物。今日起更推出超級優惠,把握機會啦! Pop-up Store Bulk Purchase DiscountGrab the chance to shop for Valentine’s Day & Lunar New Year! 優惠日期 Discount period:09.02.2018-25.02.2018 Blooms Pop-up Store @ Harbour City 日期:25.01.2018-25.02.2018 時間:10am-10pm地點:尖沙咀海港城港威商場地下 (Marc Jacobs及Philip Plein對出) G/F, Gateway Arcade, Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui (Near Marc Jacobs & Philip Plein) Read more.

期間限定賀年禮盒 尊貴之選Blissful 喜悅登場 Blissful Box Set Available at Pop-up Store
Blooms今年推出三款賀年禮盒,限定於尖沙咀海港城Pop-up Store發售,繼早前已推出的Bliss - Coffee及Bliss - Tea後,讓人期待已久的Blissful今日隆重登場,實為新年送禮的不二之選。To celebrate Lunar New Year 2018, Blooms presents a series of gift sets which is pop-up store exclusive. And finally, the long-awaited Blissful box set is released today. Blissful禮盒外盒以型格黑色配搭尊貴的燙金設計,讓人一次品嚐精品咖啡、手工茶及手工製松露朱古力的滋味配搭,顧客可自選精品咖啡及手工茶口味,為對方度身訂造獨一無二的禮盒,配搭8粒手工製松露朱古力享用,讓他享受幸福滋味時刻。A stylish black box with gold stamping highlight, Blissful box set let you enjoy the blissful moment... Read more.

情人節及農曆新年免運費 Valentine's Day & CNY Free Delivery
情人節和農曆新年快到了,即日起於Blooms網站購物滿$300,輸入優惠碼CNY2018,即可享免運費優惠!快來挑選優質的精品咖啡及手工茶禮品,為你心愛的人選購禮物吧!- 2018年1月29日上午9時至2月12日上午9時- 只限送香港地區- 只限到順豐站或順便智能櫃自取- 首1公斤運費免費- 每人限用優惠一次- 時間以完成付款程序及電腦顯示為準按此開始購物The Valentine's Day and Lunar New Year are almost here!Let's shop some Tea and Coffee for your loved one.From now on until 12 Feb, enjoy free delivery with purchase of $300 or above on our website.Enter discount code "CNY2018" when you check out.- From 29 Jan... Read more.
Blooms全新概念Pop-up Store登場 360 Brew Bar 全方位感官體驗 Blooms Brand New Concept Pop-up Store 360 Brew Bar - Enlighten Your Palate
Blooms Roastery ~ Craft Tea剛於尖沙咀海港城開設全新概念Pop-up Store——360 Brew Bar,用專業手法細緻沖泡精品咖啡及手工茶,讓顧客免費品嚐,引領大家品味咖啡和茶的另一個層次。同時將於現場發售期間限定賀年禮盒,配搭手工松露朱古力,完美體現咖啡、茶與朱古力組合出來的頂尖味覺享受。 Blooms Roastery ~ Craft Tea is launching its 2nd Pop-up Store in the Harbour City. Located in the shopping arcade's ground floor, a specially built 360 Brew Bar will serve as an experience space and retail outlet, offering free tasting of specialty... Read more.