埃塞俄比亞耶加雪夫新上市 Ethiopia Yirgacheffe G1 Now Available
耶加雪夫(Yirgacheffe)位於埃塞俄比亞南部西達摩(Sidamo) 地區之內,由於出產的咖啡帶著迷人的花果香,因此從西達摩產品中獨立出來成為微產區。這個陡峭的綠色地帶蘊含肥沃的泥土,加上大部份咖啡種植在海拔2,000米以上,種植出風靡不少咖啡迷的咖啡豆。
非洲咖啡豆採用水洗處理的分為Grade 1及2,在水選浮豆過程中,每300克生豆只有0-3粒瑕疵豆,才能達到Grade 1水平;Grade 2代表每300克生豆只有4-12粒瑕疵豆。
Yirgacheffe is actually part of the Sidamo region in southern Ethiopia, but its exquisite washed coffees are so well-known that is has been sub-divided into its own micro-region. This steep, green area is both fertile and high – much of the coffee grows at 2,000m and above.
As is typical with other coffees from this region, it has a distinctively fruity flavor profile and a bright, floral aroma thanks to wet-processed beans cultivated at a high elevation.
For Ethiopian coffees, Grade 1 and 2 signifies that the coffee is washed. The difference between grade 1 and 2 is defined by the number of visible defects in the prep. If a coffee receives a grade 1 classification, it has 0 - 3 defects. Grade 2 coffees allow 4 - 12 defects.
This light roast coffee is perfect for those who love the sweet citrus flavors found in premium Ethiopian coffees.