Blooms全新概念Pop-up Store登場 360 Brew Bar 全方位感官體驗 Blooms Brand New Concept Pop-up Store 360 Brew Bar - Enlighten Your Palate
Blooms Roastery ~ Craft Tea剛於尖沙咀海港城開設全新概念Pop-up Store——360 Brew Bar,用專業手法細緻沖泡精品咖啡及手工茶,讓顧客免費品嚐,引領大家品味咖啡和茶的另一個層次。同時將於現場發售期間限定賀年禮盒,配搭手工松露朱古力,完美體現咖啡、茶與朱古力組合出來的頂尖味覺享受。 Blooms Roastery ~ Craft Tea is launching its 2nd Pop-up Store in the Harbour City. Located in the shopping arcade's ground floor, a specially built 360 Brew Bar will serve as an experience space and retail outlet, offering free tasting of specialty... Read more.