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期間限定賀年禮盒 尊貴之選Blissful 喜悅登場 Blissful Box Set Available at Pop-up Store by Blooms Roastery & Craft Tea

Blooms今年推出三款賀年禮盒,限定於尖沙咀海港城Pop-up Store發售,繼早前已推出的Bliss - Coffee及Bliss - Tea後,讓人期待已久的Blissful今日隆重登場,實為新年送禮的不二之選。
To celebrate Lunar New Year 2018, Blooms presents a series of gift sets which is pop-up store exclusive. And finally, the long-awaited Blissful box set is released today.

A stylish black box with gold stamping highlight, Blissful box set let you enjoy the blissful moment of coffee and tea pairing with handmade dark chocolate truffles. Select your favourite coffee & tea combination to create your own gift box.

Bliss - Coffee及Bliss - Tea為小巧禮盒之選,Bliss - Coffee內藏一罐El Salvador La Batalla COE咖啡,配搭4粒手工製松露朱古力;而Bliss - Tea可自選一罐小裝手工茶,同樣配搭手工製松露朱古力。三款禮盒都將品茶和咖啡時光提升至品味體驗,享用朱古力的同時細膩咖啡和茶的味道變化。
Bliss - Coffee and Bliss - Tea are the best choices of small gift box set. Bliss - Coffee contains a tin of El Salvador La Batalla COE and 4 pieces of handmade dark chocolate truffles. For Bliss - Tea you can select your favourite craft tea to pair with the chocolate truffles.

Coffee choices in Blissful box set:
Sweet Cocoa
Brazil Fazenda São Silvestre
Ethiopia Sidamo Hunkute
Panama Hartmann
Rwanda Buf Nyarusiza Cyanika

Blissful及Bliss - Tea禮盒可供選擇的手工茶:
Tea choices in Blissful & Bliss - Tea box set:
Crimson Blend
Ferment Pu-erh
Good Morning Blend
Osmanthus Oolong
Pearl Jasmine

禮盒售價 Pricing:
Blissful $699
Bliss - Coffee $268
Bliss - Tea $238

三款賀年禮盒只限於Pop-up Store發售。
All box sets are available at Pop-up store.

Blooms Pop-up Store
地點:尖沙咀海港城港威商場地下 (Marc Jacobs及Philip Plein對出) 
G/F, Gateway Arcade, Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui (Near Marc Jacobs & Philip Plein)

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