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22 February

Santa Felisa Mist Mountain Geisha新上市 by Blooms Roastery & Craft Tea

  Santa Felisa莊園是瓜地馬拉著名的莊園,由Mr. Trinidad E. Cruz於1904年創立,百多年來經歷4代經營,致力生產高質素咖啡豆。它位於經常有霧氣縈繞的Acatenango火山區,那裡結合了熱帶雲霧森林的微氣候,以及火山谷養份豐富的泥土,種出優質而且帶有獨特松木味道的咖啡豆,同時帶有蜜糖甜味及如綠茶般的芳香餘韻,精品級藝伎豆往往能泡出一杯有甜度帶花香的精緻咖啡。 這種藝伎咖啡豆乾淨度佳,飽滿均衡,帶有水果香氣、蜜糖甜味、柑橘酸度、李子及松木味道,天鵝絨般的柔潤質感及像綠茶般的餘韻。 Finca Santa Felisa was founded by Mr. Trinidad E. Cruz in 1904. For more then one hundred years and four generations, the farm inherited all the knowledge and tradition to still produce the same exceptional Coffee. The Mist Mountain Geisha grown in a... Read more.

16 February

New! La Batalla COE in Espresso Profile by Blooms Roastery & Craft Tea

2015年薩爾瓦多COE全國咖啡大賽La Batalla莊園得獎批次,這款咖啡豆的淺炒版本呈現橙皮及杏脯乾的味道,這次我們推出中度烘焙的版本,專為特濃咖啡愛好者而設,讓你感受到更厚身的質感及更悠長的餘韻,展現香橙、杏仁及蜜糖的味道。 La Batalla莊園由Guillema Magana擁有及種植,Guillema為了參加COE比賽,花了4天時間從莊園最高處選採收最優質的旁波種果實,每兩年以雞糞及有機堆肥向農地施肥,以保持土壤有足夠養份,多年來不止一次得獎,證明Guillema的努力沒有白費。 We have a limited quantity of El Salvador La Batalla coffee from the 2015 Cup of Excellence #20. We are selling La Batalla COE in light roast profile to taste the orange zest and dried apricot flavor. And we tailormade a medium roast profile for... Read more.

11 February

小清新版元宵湯圓 Refreshing Rice Dumplings for Chinese Valentine's Day by Blooms Roastery & Craft Tea

來到元宵佳節,不妨煮湯圓吃應一應節,煙韌黏糯的糯米皮,就好像糖黐豆的情侶;香甜的湯圓內餡,就像愛情的甜蜜。 Falling on the 15th day of first Lunar month, Lantern Festival marks the end of Lunar New Year. And it also regarded as Chinese Valentine's Day. Eating Rice Dumplings(Tong Yuen) is an important custom of this festival.  香港人最常加薑和片糖煮湯圓,今年不如試試新口味,用清香的茶來做湯底,炮製一碗與別不同的小清新元宵湯圓。 The ball-shaped dumplings are made of glutinous rice flour with usually... Read more.

10 February

何謂蜜處理法 What is Honey Processing? by Blooms Roastery & Craft Tea

咖啡處理法分為水洗、日曬及蜜處理法,你有同小編一樣,曾經以為蜜處理法是與蜜糖有關嗎? 了解過後就知道蜜處理法與蜜糖沒有丁點兒的關係,蜜處理法之中「蜜」的意思是指咖啡豆黏得如蜜一樣的果膠層(mucilage),日曬法會直接去除外殼及果膠層處理,而水洗法會用發酵方法來去除果膠層,只有蜜處理法會把果膠層保留下來。 蜜處理法會在咖啡豆去掉外層果肉後,保留黏稠狀的果膠層(mucilage),這一層果膠極為黏滑,糖份很高而且帶有酸質,將附有果膠層的咖啡豆曝曬,咖啡農需頻密翻動咖啡豆以避免發霉,曝曬時間太短又未能將果膠層的物質轉移到咖啡豆之中,時間掌握及水份控制均很重要。 蜜處理法比水洗及日曬法更耗時麻煩,人力和時間成本都需要更多,為何要選擇這種處理方法?答案明顯與更優良的咖啡出品有關,經過蜜處理法的咖啡豆,能好好保存咖啡熟果的原始甜美風味,酸味和甜味平衡,更為醇味濃厚。 你留意到蜜處理法的咖啡豆還細分為黃蜜、紅蜜及黑蜜嗎?那是視乎果膠層的保留程度,帶有80%的稱為黑蜜、60%紅蜜、40%黃蜜及20%白蜜,展現不同的風味。 蜜處理法常見於中美洲國家如哥斯達黎加、巴拿馬及薩爾瓦多等地區出品的咖啡。 採用蜜處理法的咖啡豆風味如何?來試試Panama Hartmann吧! Washed, Natural & Honey are 3 popular coffee processing methods. Do you know why it is called honey? Are they adding honey in the process? Definitly not. This process got the name because of its honey-like mucilage layer. Coffee bean has 5... Read more.

09 February

Panama Hartmann新上市 by Blooms Roastery & Craft Tea

巴拿馬哈特曼莊園(Hartmann Estate)由哈特曼家族擁有,現在由第三代在經營,5兄弟姊妹中以Mr. Ratibor Hartmann為代表,其它兄弟姊妹負責不同業務部份,從他們住在一起可以看到,這是一個溫暖有家庭氛圍的莊園。 Hartmann Estate is owned by the Hartmann family. It is now running by the third generation and represented by Mr. Ratibor Hartmann. Ratibor Hartmann is one of five siblings that manage the farm. Each sibling is in charge of a specific operation on the farm. There... Read more.