New! La Batalla COE in Espresso Profile
2015年薩爾瓦多COE全國咖啡大賽La Batalla莊園得獎批次,這款咖啡豆的淺炒版本呈現橙皮及杏脯乾的味道,這次我們推出中度烘焙的版本,專為特濃咖啡愛好者而設,讓你感受到更厚身的質感及更悠長的餘韻,展現香橙、杏仁及蜜糖的味道。
La Batalla莊園由Guillema Magana擁有及種植,Guillema為了參加COE比賽,花了4天時間從莊園最高處選採收最優質的旁波種果實,每兩年以雞糞及有機堆肥向農地施肥,以保持土壤有足夠養份,多年來不止一次得獎,證明Guillema的努力沒有白費。
We have a limited quantity of El Salvador La Batalla coffee from the 2015 Cup of Excellence #20. We are selling La Batalla COE in light roast profile to taste the orange zest and dried apricot flavor. And we tailormade a medium roast profile for espresso lovers to enjoy its orange, almond, honey flavour with richer body and longer after taste.
La Batalla is owned and farmed by Guillema Magana. In order to participate in CoE, Guillermo harvested during 4 days an area selected because it is the highest point of the farm with very good trees of Bourbon variety only. He applies chicken manure and organic compost every 2 years to keep enough nutrients and quality on his farm soil. This farm won several awards demonstrating that’s one of the exceptional coffees from El Salvador.