荷蘭手工打造 濾泡式咖啡機Moccamaster Cup-One, Handcrafted in the Netherlands
愛喝咖啡的人,慢慢會欣賞手沖咖啡之美,一杯好的手沖咖啡,能讓你品嚐到咖啡的酸、甜、香等不同層次和細節。Moccamaster CupOne模擬手沖咖啡設計的濾泡式咖啡機,簡單一按,4-5分鐘就沖泡完成一杯接近手沖咖啡水準的咖啡。
Among various coffee brewing methods, pour over is preferred among enthusiasts because it have better control on the taste, cleaner cup and the finer qualities of the coffee beans. Moccamaster Cup-One is an automated pour over system. Easy to use with just one on/off button. Wait for 4-5 minutes and your perfect cup of coffee will be ready.
手沖咖啡著重細節的追求,水溫、水量、水柱穩定性,以至磨豆器、手沖壼及濾紙的質量,都對咖啡味道有很大影響。自1964年已開始手工製造專業濾泡式咖啡機的Technivorm Moccamaster公司,發展出以手沖咖啡為模擬對象的咖啡機設計,按鍵後4至5分鐘內完成沖泡過程的Cup-One,對水溫控制、出水量等設定都有嚴格要求,務求每一杯咖啡都達到標準。
Water temperature, saturation time, brewing time, paper filter quality etc are all playing critical roles in pour over coffee. Technivorm Moccamaster has focused on manufacturing top-quality coffee makers since 1964. Cup-One is its recent innovation that brews directly into the cup and produces one perfect cup of coffee.

Copper boiling element rapidly heats water to control brewing temperature between 92°-96°c, which is the best brewing temperature recommended by Specialty Coffee Associations
間歇式出水設計 Automate the artisanal pour-over process
A cone-shaped brew basket funnels to ensure a precise coffee/water contact time for perfect brewing
4-5分鐘完成沖泡 Finish brewing in 4-5 mins
Precise brewing time for optimum flavor and less bitterness
水箱設有水量標示 Marking on water reservoir
Just add water to meet the marking line. No measuring cup is needed
自動關機功能 Auto shut-off
Automatic shut-off when brew process is completed
Technivorm Moccamaster公司過去50多年一直堅持手工製造每一台咖啡機,只選用市面上最佳的組件及材料,並經過實際測試才出貨,卓越的溫度控制技術及堅固耐用的特點是此品牌的最大賣點,更因此獲得歐美各大精品咖啡協會的品質認可,包括美國精緻咖啡協會(SCAA)、歐洲精緻咖啡協會(SCAE)及歐洲咖啡沖煮中心(ECBC)的認證標章。同系列的KBGC-741更成為世界杯測大賽(World Cuptaster Championship)的指定機種。
Technivorm Moccamaster is one of Specialty Coffee Association of America certified home brewers. That means that Moccamaster brews at right water temperature, brewing time, right volume, water flow and generally within the SCAA Gold Cup recommendations. It is certified by the Specialty Coffee Associations of America and Europe (SCAA/SCAE) and granted the European Coffee Brewing Center's (ECBC) Seal of Approval meeting their strict "Golden Cup" quality guidelines.